Gjestespill på Figurteatret: There is nothing in my life that shows that I am ugly on the inside av Cie Gare Centrale.

Kvinne med dusjhette på hode heller vann i et minibadekar - Klikk for stort bildeThere is nothing in my life that shows that I am ugly on the inside av Cie Gare Centrale. Nicolas Meyer Poudriere

Figurteatret i Nordland ønsker velkommen til forestillingen

There is nothing in my life that shows that I am ugly on the inside

- et gjestespill av det belgiske teaterkompaniet Cie Gare Centrale.

Dato og tid: søndag 6. oktober kl 20
Sted: Figurteatret, Stamsund

For: anbefalt aldersgrense fra 14år og opp
Lengde: 1t20min
Målgruppe: voksne (fra 14år)

Billetter: 150,-
For billettreservasjon, send epost til billett.figurteatret@nfk.no


Om forestilingen:
A woman in a fur coat.
Her body lying on the ground.
On the kitchen floor.
Her sole baggage, a handbag, a handkerchief and a lipstick.
She only has one shoe.
A voice addresses her, questions her, provokes her.
It is the beginning of a series of disjoint moments, random pieces of a puzzle that we try to put together from clues which we do not know if they are imaginary or not, fragments of destinies and of deaths.
At once playful and dramatic.
The piece investigates the identity of a woman. She is lost. One and multiple, she performs, before our eyes, the theatrical autopsy of her life.
The shoe, is it under the bathtub?
Agnes Limbos has always been passionate about the power of the objet as an actor in its own right and about the actor’s ability to manipulate it.
The kitchen table, at a corner of the stage, becomes a miniature of that stage where the manipulated objects reconstitute everyday scenes.
The objects serve to tell stories, others evoke souvenirs or stimulate the memory….

Concept and Actor Agnès Limbos
Writing collaboration and Actor Pierre Sartenaer
Regard and Artistic collaboration Simon Thomas
Lighting design & technician Nicolas Thill
Sound design Guillaume Istace
Extras Coach Anastasia Guevel
Aid during the creative process Claire Farah, Françoise Colpé, Joël Bosmans, Nicolas Thill, Pieter Boucher, Javier Packer, Astrid Howard
Administration and production Sylviane Evrard
Invaluable collaboration during the initial phase of creation Christophe Sermet and Yannick Renier

Om kompaniet:
Cie Gare Centrale specializes in object theatre and was founded in 1984 by Agnès Limbos, one of the most respected performers in the international theatre world. Agnes performs to the delight of both adults and children. The talented and versatile clown, actress, and puppeteer has appeared at the most prestigious festivals in Europe and North America. Her one-woman show enchants spectators with humour and emotion. In addition to creating her own productions, she organizes workshops on object theatre and collaborates on international projects and art residencies.