Deadline for applications: 15. March and 15. September.

!!! This means: 
If you apply in the autumn of 2024 the first chance of a collaboration with us is likely the autumn of 2026. 

Nordland Visual Theatre (Figurteateret i Nordland) is a county-owned, project-oriented theatre that produces visual theatre. The Theatre was established in 1991 and has a permanent staff of 6 employees. We are located in Stamsund, in the heart of Lofoten. Each year, we produce 5-6 performances in collaboration with professional theatre artists/troupes from both Norway and abroad. Most performances co-produced by NVT are offered a tour in Nordland County. In all, we present 100-150 performances on tour in Nordland each year. In addition, we arrange pre-project workshops, workshops and seminars, as well as participate in festivals.

The Visual Theatre today is undergoing a period of change between classical puppet theatre and more modern crossover productions intersecting the fields of visual arts, theatre, dance and multimedia. NVT participates actively in the development of the newer forms of performance, while at the same time we continue to work with the more traditional forms of expression associated with visual theatre.

See this video to learn more about Nordland Visual Theatre.



NVT offers the opportunity to apply for co-production, pre-project assistance, Performace Art Harbour and residence.



In a coproduction NVT covers aprox. 40-50% of the total production costs. What this equals in exact amounts depends on the global budget size. There is obviously a limit to how much NVT can provide as production support!
NVT also covers all living expenses in the period in which the group is in Stamsund, ie travel and transport to and from Stamsund, per-diems and lodging.
NVT provides rehearsal space (black box 9.5 mx 9.5 m), stage equipment (sound, light, touring rig, etc.) and technical assistance during the contract period in Nordland.
You must find a way to cover the rest (approx 50-70%) of your production costs, using other funding partners.
You must be organized as self-employed or company. We give your company a project support/funding that you must administer yourself.
You are responsible for hiring / contracting your partners and cover all additional expenses.
You agree to undertake a tour of the production in Nordland county, Norway.
NB! After the contract period it is your production! NVT does not ask for any commisions or royalties. The only condition is that NVT are credited as the co-producer in the program, poster etc. See requirements for crediting.
Groups that enters a co-production contract with NVT also accepts to tour in Nordland County within a agreed tour period.

It is NVT's intention that a tour will be conducted in accordance to the agreed touring period. However, NVT reserves the right to evaluate the performance on an artistic basis before giving a final confirmation that the tour will be conducted.

A tour in Nordland usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks depending on who is the target audience. During a tour in Nordland NVT covers all expenses (travel, hotel, per diem, etc.) and fees for each performance (by contract). On a tour the show must be performed in a variety of like schools, theatres and "cultural houses".



It is also possible to apply to work on a pre-project (R&D). The offer is extended to applicants who have an innovative and good idea, but who do not otherwise have the opportunity to try it out or to plan/develop it in specific detail. No obligations are imposed on either the applicant or NVT to pursue the project further.  



– An artist-in-residence summer programme for performing arts professionals

The summer of 2005 Nordland Visual Theatre (NVT) established a international artist-in-residence programme for performing arts professionals. PAH is a respond to the increasing desire among performing artists, both national and international, for space to experiment and test new ideas. PAH offers lodging and production space in Stamsund, in the heart of the Lofoten Islands, one of Scandinavians most explicit landscapes.


The available period will normally be within June 20th and August 10th. The program is primarily offered to artists and companies who use the theatre space as their tool and arena; and for those who over some time have presented and documented high artistic quality of their work. Those who are chosen can freely use NVT’s apartment, production space and technical equipment. Be aware that the theatre staff is not available in the same sense as during a co-production due to summer vacations. The companies must cover their own expenses for per diems, travels and such. NVT may offer assistance during the planning of the residence, and help out on applying for additional funding of the stay. In some occasions NVT may also offer financial support. Applicants within the area of visual, puppet and figuren -theatre will be given priority.


Applicants must send an application which states the content of the residency, and CV’s for all participants. Deadline for applications: September 15th for residency next year's summer. For further information contact Nordland Visual Theatre, artistic director Preben Faye-Schjøll by mail or phone




Who is applying and what you/your organization are applying for

Indicate who is responsible for the project and whether you/your organization are applying for co-production or a pre-project.


A description of the proposed project:
One general requirement for the project description is that it communicates clearly and informatively concerning the production that you wish to realize and co-produce. Try to describe the production in such a way that it will help readers who are not "insiders" to understand as well as possible how you think. Attach a manuscript, draft of a manuscript, plot or storyline, scenario, if available. Include a video, sketches or drawings of stage settings, scenography, costumes, examples of music, etc.


A substantiation of your project:
Describe why you wish to stage this particular performance, as well as your intentions for the production, in terms of: - Use of dramatic devices, plot, character, conflict, etc. - Use of stage effects, sound, music, lighting, costumes, scenography, materials, technical effects, etc. - What you intend to convey, target group. - An overview of all participants: Who are the people proposed to be involved in the production? Include CVs for participants.


Production plan:
Define the time frame during which you wish to work in Stamsund. Also indicate what you plan to do with the finished product when co-production with NVT is completed.  


Production budget:
Attach a budget that provides an overview of the financial share that you are prepared to contribute to the co-production.


The application is to be sent to: application.fin(a)
Or: Figurteateret i Nordland, J.M. Johansens vei 23, 8340 STAMSUND, NORWAY.

We invite you to be in touch with us during the application process by phone or e-mail


Nordland Visual Theatre:

Geir-Ove Andersen: General manager

Yngvild Aspeli: Artistic manager

Anne Silje Kolseth: Producer

Jan Erik Skarby: Lighting designer and technician

Tim Lucassen: Technician

Anne Sørfjell: Cleaning maintenance, seamstress and waffle maker.